Understanding your child’s learning profile is key to excelling academically.
Sometimes a child is not working to his or her potential. Sometimes a child struggles at learning. Either way, parents would like to know how to help their child maximize his or her strengths and abilities. A detailed picture about a child’s learning needs can help a parent help their child succeed and excel.
At Compass Educational Services, we strive to ensure that the appropriate service is provided for your specific need. We offer comprehensive and thorough assessments with the goal to improve an individual’s understanding and appreciation of his or her unique learning abilities. Therefore, our intent is to make the process a positive and nurturing experience. Our mission is to make our services a beginning point of setting the appropriate course for future academic success. Some of the areas that are assessed are:
Academic Performance
Academic Achievement: Tests to measure knowledge of a wide range of skills in order to provide a picture of the individual’s relative accomplishment in specified areas of performance (e.g., reading, mathematics, writing, spelling, and academic fluency skills). Diagnostic: Tests to measure the proficiency level of specific skills to identify specific elements which may hinder learning in the areas of reading, mathematics, and oral and written language.
Cognitive Ability (IQ) Evaluations to help determine the possible nature of learning difficulties and/or social emotional concerns.
Information Processing Inventories to assess executive functioning, working memory, auditory and visual processing, and ability to learn, retain, organize, and use new information.
Academic Motivation Measures to assess one’s internal process to learn, as reflected by factors such as approach, persistence, and level of interest.
Student Behavior A multidimensional approach using interviews, observations, and rating scales to examine children’s functioning in relation to peers and adults within the school environment.
Learning Styles Examination of personal learning styles, including preferred modes of learning, environment, and reasoning types to help students develop strategies to enhance learning potential.
Learning Strategies and Work Habits Assessments to identify learning strategies that affect academic performance, including study strategies, note-taking, listening skills, research skills, test-taking strategies, organizational techniques, time management, and goal setting.
School Readiness Examination of developmental areas related to success in preschool and kindergarten including language, math ability, reading readiness, general knowledge, attention, emotional regulation, and social skills.
Compass Educational Services, LLC
11047 Racetrack Road, Ocean Pines, MD 21811
Dr. Patricia O’Malley (c) 410-274-2042